
Your Call Is Not Important To Us- Use Mobile Marketing Instead

Call centre work is being redeveloped by businesses who are increasingly using mobile marketing as a more effective way of communicating with their customers.In busy world filled with work and very little down-time, consumers are often on the move. It is difficult for businsses to know how to communicate with their customers. That's why mobile marketing is proving to be Quad Band Cell Phones the most empowering and simple way of securing business leads- because of the wide-spread accessability of txts.A recent study into advertising response rates found that over 50% more consumers prefer to SMS for further information than picking up the phone and calling the toll-free number provided. One of the main problems with call centres is that potential consumers who attempt to make a call-to-action will be left in the dark, and the chance to follow-up on leads is lost. Not only are toll-free numbers hard to remember, surveys show 69% of calls aren't answered between 6pm and 8am- prime advertising times. A New Zealand business advertising Christmas hampers through TV and print media was surprised to see the results their SMS campaign generated. SMS was by far the most favoured response method for customers- it was 5 times more effective than phone responses and three times more effective than trying to remember a website.Ever since call centres and the internet were widely available, businesses have been trying to measure who responds to their advertisements and when they are most likely to respond. The difference with mobile marketing is that people can Car Electronics respond immediately, and from virtually anywhere in the world at any time.So why do people prefer to txt instead of picking up the phone to call? Is it to do with bad experiences with call centres- the inconvenient operating hours, the long queues, the incessant questioning?The results of a survey into advertising response methods found that 30% of callers will hang up if they have to hold for over a minute. In addition, 76% of respondents reported that 24 hour-a-day seven-day-a-week call centre operation was important to their purchase decision.So, mobile marketing allows call centres to be more reactive. Consumers who text a short code to any business can be called back by a call centre operator. Not only does this Handbags mean mean that call centres only talk to people who want to be spoken to, it also means you'll never miss a lead.

