
Keep Your Glasses On - 3d Is The Future

The future we are told is in 3D. Not only remote controlled air swimmers are increasingly movies being made for 3D viewing, but now you can get bespoke 3D TVs for the home. But how does this bode for glasses lovers? 3D specs invariably are designed for non-glasses wearers. And the idea of perching them on top of your designer glasses simply won’t wash – glasses wearers have reported annoyance that the 3D specs simply do not stay on when worn on top of regular glasses. But have no fear! Innovation is here. If you have a pair of designer glasses that you just love to wear, you won’t have to compromise or have to invest in contact lenses – clip on 3D glasses have been designed specifically to cater to those who love wearing their designer glasses and love watching 3D movies. It means you can keep Air Swimmers your designer glasses where they belong and simply clip on the 3D glasses on top. According to industry experts, 3D is the next generation technology for TV. The visually interactive viewing experience is expected to dominate sports, movies and games for Air Swimmers a more full-on entertainment experience. And if you thought 3D films were just a flash in the pan, the success of Toy Story 3 proves otherwise. The Pixar film has become the biggest-ever animated film in the UK, overtaking the enormously popular Shrek in the ratings. In the first three weeks of its release it took £51.52m in the box office (Shrek took £48.24m). The film is one of just 15 films in the UK to ever gross £50m – and it’s an achievement in just 3 weeks. It seems the 3D element could have played a part in boosting sales. So it’s good news for those who love their specs – you can still wear your designer glasses and watch a blockbuster movie!

